Welcome to NOMA Salisbury, North Carolina! We are The North Main Neighborhood ~ a neighborhood filled with artists, photographers, chefs, doctors, preservationists, lawyers, teachers, musicians, actors, writers, environmentalists, and shop owners. We cherish our historic architecture, our diversity, and our proximity to Salisbury's galleries, museums, restaurants, shops, and parks. We love it here! We know you will too!
Hi Friends & Neighbors! You can tell its Spring in beautiful NOMA! The springs blooms are popping out everywhere and the grass is growing! Time to dust off the lawn mower and get out the flower pots! Spring also means that Salisbury's Annual Spring Spruce Up Week is just around the corner. This year, Spring Clean-Up will be: April 19 ~ April 23 In our neighborhood, it will coincide with our normal trash pick-up day. The city will pick up old appliances(REFRIGERATOR, FREEZER, STOVE, HOT WATER HEATER, AIR CONDITIONER, WASHER, DRYER),tires (without rims), and any extra bagged trash. Place items at the curb on your regular collection day (for many of us this is Tuesday Morning). If you have items you would like to discard and you are not sure if they fall within the city's guidelines for pick-up, you can call 704.638.5260 and ask if they will pick up special items. The city wants our neighborhood clean as much as we do! Please note that building materials are typically not part of the pick-up. If you have carpet, padding, sheet-rock, windows, lumber, commodes, sinks, etc., you may wish to contact the city to see how you should best dispose of these. If you still have leaves to get rid of, the City has a few rounds of leaf-pick-up left this week! If you can get your leaves to the curb, the city will get them picked up for you. Remember Earth Day is April 20th! Help us take care of our little piece of this earth ~ the North Main Neighborhood!
The Salisbury / Rowan Crime Stoppers will have a yard sale fundraiser April 10 from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. in the parking lot behind Wells Fargo (City lot) across from the Farmers Market on Bank St.
The Salisbury-Rowan Farmer's Market is located on the corner of South Main and Bank Street in Salisbury, under the big green tents. It is about 2 blocks south of Salisbury Square near the Meroney Theater in Downtown Salisbury.
The City Park Neighborhood, which adjoins our North Main Neighborhood at W. Henderson and N. Jackson Streets, have been talking to the City about traffic concerns on W. Henderson, which seems to be becoming a thoroughfare. NOMA President Sue McHugh was invited to attend their last meeting last Thursday where they presented their concerns of speeding traffic on Henderson Street to Councilman Paul Woodson. They also recently met with Dan Mikkelson, Director of Engineering & Development Services for the City, and Ms. Wendy Brindle, Traffic Engineer, to review the newly established priorities. The group agreed that the end goal is to slow traffic that transverses the City Park (and North Main) neighborhood. The number one priority is to install four-way/three-way stop signs at several intersections along West Henderson St. These signs would ultimately divert traffic to other primary streets (Mocksville Ave., Mahaley/Confederate Ave., Club House Dr./11th Ave.) surrounding the neighborhood.
As a result of the meeting, Mr. Mikkelson & Ms. Brindle have requested a face-to-face meeting with all the citizens of the City Park neighborhood. Their goal is to have as many neighborhood citizens attend as possible. We strongly believe that NOMA residents should attend this meeting as well. What happens in City Park neighborhood will assuredly affect NOMA!
The proposed meeting date is:
DATE: Thursday, April 22, 2010
TIME: 7:00 pm until 8:00 pm
PLACE: Conference Room or Activities Room (depends upon number attending) in the Rec Center at City Park
Please make every effort to attend. If you could RSVP with a note to themainneighborhood@gmail.com, we'd appreciate it!
We had a great February North Main meeting back on the 25th! A BIG THANKS to Koko Java coffee shop for letting us meet there! They extended us a discount on our coffee beverages and stayed an hour later than usual to accommodate us. (They are also serving wine now - a bit of a treat!). We will more than likely meet there again for future NOMA meetings because it was so nice...and they were so great to us!
We had so many ideas hit the table - it was inspired and inspiring.
With so many ideas hitting the table, we ended up narrowing our 2010 goals down to (5):
1) We are going to be organizing a "NOMA Night Out" or a "Fork & Cork" night out where we will house-hop for drinks and appetizers. More to come on this later ~ But mark your calendar for April 10th!
2) We are going to organize a NOMA Train Trip to the State Fair in September. A dedicated train takes us there..and waits to take us home! Details to follow.
3) We have a small subcommittee reviewing our 'dark' corridors (Church Street for example) to see where we might petition the city to install more street lighting for our pedestrians.
4) We have the opportunity to develop the small plot of land we gained at the corner of W. Miller and N. Jackson Street. There is a FABULOUS idea on the table to incorporate a public art project to create a 'Welcome to the NOMA' pocket-park at this site. We are working on proposal details right now. This should be an opportunity for possible grant funding. Donations to the project would be tax-deductible. We are very excited about the potential here to make a nice entryway to our neighborhood from the Parks.
5) We are going to stake out a neighborhood spot for the Pops at the Post.
OK ~ so those were the 5 big ones! We also had a wonderful idea to go "Guerilla Gardening". This is where a bunch of us sneak out at night (or sometime) with plants and "pretty up" a spot that need
s it. Doesn't that sound like fun! shhhh! don't tell!
We will also try to organize a table at the Friday-Nights-Out to advertise North Main and what a great place it is to live. Maybe this will help us fill some of those empty houses. We have already got permission from our neighbor who owns 'Hot Junk' in town. Great!
And last, instead of waiting until later in the year, we are going to schedule our events like our Annual Celebrate NOMA Fall Picnic ~ and additionally a Christmas Party and maybe a 4th of July event - more details to come on this as well.
As always, you are urged to speak up at City Council meetings about any neighborhood issues that you are aware of. We are told time and time again that the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
And the last thing we mentioned was to go online to http://www.historicsalisbury.org/ to sign the Shober Bridge petition. The neighborhoods really must look after one another and that neighborhood is petrified about the pending changes that will so greatly impact their area in a very negative way!
So - you can see it was a very energetic meeting, as they usually are!
The next meeting will be held WEDNESDAY MARCH 24th - 6PM - KOKO JAVA!