The next monthly meeting (1st Wed. of every month - except July) of the Salisbury Neighborhood Action Group (SNAG) will be on
Wednesday, June 6, 2012 beginning at 9:30 a.m. in the conference room at the
Salisbury Police Department on Lee Street, corner of Lee & Liberty Streets. The meeting, which is open to all Salisbury
residents, will be led by Chief Rory Collins.
The meeting consists of two parts:
1) Officers from each of
the Salisbury Police Department teams report on the previous month’s activities, and
2) A
representative City of Salisbury Code Enforcement answers questions and
addresses concerns.
Encourage each and all of your friends and neighbors to plan attend so that we can properly express our
concern about nuisance or criminal activity in NOMA. Yes, the SNAG meetings are scheduled at a tough time for the working public, but if you can make it and let your voice be heard, it is well worth it toward improving the quality of life in the North Main Neighborhood.