Hello North Main Neighbors & Friends!
from the NOMA (The North Main Neighborhood) and the City of Salisbury's
Community Appearance Commission met Monday February 18th to discuss possible
improvements to the appearance of the North Main Street corridor. The
City has been receiving complaints as to Main Street's appearance, and
as North Main Street is the last remaining residential corridor into the
City of Salisbury, some attention is kindly being given to help us
upgrade this section of our neighborhood.
Proposed were the following improvements:
- A possible improvement to the lot where the old gas station stood at the southeast corner of E. 11th Street and N. Main Street.
- Possible planters at the 4-corners at the intersection of 11th Street and N. Main Street.
- Painting of one home (this home will need to be in reasonable condition, owner-occupied, and a one-story dwelling)
We also discussed cleaning up our "urban forest" at
the corner of Railroad Street and E. Steele Street. While not along the
N. Main Street corridor, this wooded area is problematic for the
neighborhood and its owners, the Historic Salisbury Foundation, have
kindly agreed to help clean this area up, clearing the brush away to
give us a cleaner and more visible green space.
The success of these projects hinges on our ability
to rally volunteers for these projects. Will each of you please start
talking about this to your neighbors and friends?
clean-up of the Railroad St/Steele St woods is scheduled for Saturday
March 9th. Volunteers need only SHOW UP between 9 am and 12 noon, with
gloves, sturdy shoes or boots, and if they would like to bring any
loppers or other landscape tools, this would be appreciated. The City
and the HSF will provide other heavy-duty brush removal equipment.
We additionally discussed the potential to add some street~scaping to the old Duke Power building in our small commercial section on the bend roughly between 12th and 14th streets.
The plant and/or paint day is tentatively scheduled for April 27th....but please stay tuned for confirmation and more details.
Thank you in advance for helping to support these improvements to our neighborhood!