Tuesday, March 27, 2012

What's Been Happening!

Friends and Neighbors!  The NOMA blog has not been active, but this does not mean that NOMA has been asleep!  Many activities have been going on 'behind the scenes':

Did you know that the City of Salisbury instituted an award~winning neighborhood improvement program called BLOCKWORK?  The first BLOCKWORK project took place in October 2011.  NOMA applied for this project, where neighborhoods would select a street that could use some TLC.  

BLOCKWORK  was designed to bring residents together with city staff and other support groups to work on building cleaner and safer neighborhoods, block by block. 

Neighborhoods that have concerns about the appearance and maintenance of a specific block were to apply to have the block evaluated and an action plan developed to help improve conditions on the block. Only exterior conditions were to be addressed by the BLOCKWORK program.   For instance, certain houses on the block may need exterior repairs, paint or landscape improvements.   Or, the sidewalk or storm drains may need repair.   The BLOCKWORK program organizers evaluated needs and scheduled work, which was then to be carried out by the neighborhood participants as well as outside support groups.  Residents and property owners within chosen blocks were recruited to help with the design and implementation of the action plan.
NOMA submitted the 800 block of N. Lee Street, highlighting necessary sidewalk repair, water-line work, and desired green-spaces.  While we submitted a great presentation and pitch, we were sadly not awarded.  The project went to the S. Shaver Street in the Brooklyn South Square neighborhood.  No matter!  We will get another opportunity to submit this year!  Perhaps you have an idea for another section of our North Main Neighborhood for us to submit!

NOMA representatives have also been very active with the City of Salisbury's forthcoming Preservation Master Plan. More than twenty stakeholder interviews and local focus group sessions have been held, providing numerous opportunities for citizen input throughout the initial phase.The master plan process is designed to incorporate a high level of community participation. Plan development will continue to offer ample opportunities for input, feedback, and contribution by our citizens. This local support and community input is vital. Interested parties may join the online dialogue by visiting the master plan website at www.salisburyplan.ning.com. The site offers citizens the opportunity to follow plan progression and to view maps and other plan-related documents as they become available. Participation in a moderated discussion allows individuals the opportunity to reply to discussion forums and to tender thoughts concerning the various aspects of the plan.

NOMA remains an active participant in the Historic Neighborhoods Alliance (HNA), whose most recent contribution to the community was the 2011 City Council Candidates Forum.  This organization meets monthly, second Wednesday at 6PM, at the Literary Bookpost.  Please feel free to attend these meetings and provide your input.  The Historic Neighborhood Alliance membership encompasses and represents each historic district in Salisbury, NC. The HNA encourages support of the continuing revitalization of Salisbury’s Historic neighborhoods; serves as an open channel of communication and education among the neighborhoods; and identifies issues of common concern among the neighborhoods ~ working to facilitate the resolution of such issues.

Lastly, NOMA president Sue McHugh and a representative from the Brooklyn South Square Neighborhood recently met with Salisbury Police Chief Rory Collins to present a proposal aimed at reducing repeat nuisance crime in our neighborhoods.  Chief Collins was grateful for the input and will get back to NOMA and BSS in the near future to let us know how we can work together to reduce crime.  We think we have a viable solution!

NOMA continues to distribute the NOMA brochure to realtors to help sell our beautiful homes and stabilize our wonderful downtown neighborhood.  Many of our homes that may have previously been empty are filled.  Be sure to say hello to your new neighbors!

Thanks to all who continue to preserve the quality of life in our North Main Neighborhood!