Hey Friends & Neighbors!
It looks like NOMA will be ramping up for meeting once again! Stay tuned for meeting dates!
The neighborhood is also using a new communication website that seems to be helping us.
Go to www.NextDoor.com and look for the NOMA - North Main Neighborhood & sign up! There is no cost ~ just a user name and password.
We're very excited to get the neighborhood group rekindled! We look forward to seeing you real soon!
Help keep NOMA beautiful!
Fall Spruce-Up is coming the week of October 20-24th. It's a perfect opportunity to clean up the neighborhood!
The City will supply us with gloves and garbage bags if anyone would like to form a specific clean-up group for a targeted area.
Place your 'Spruce-Up' garbage at the curb on the normal trash pick up day. No construction material is permitted but if you have such to dispose of, please call (704) 638-5260 and they can help you make arrangements for pickup!
Be sure to come to this important workshop to address issues for our neighborhood and others!
Share this with your friends and neighbors and put this important workshop on your calendar!
Be sure to RSVP by calling (704) 638-5240.